With Football Manager 2022 right around the corner, we take some time to explore everything we know about it and answer some frequently asked questions from around the internet.
When does FM22 come out?
Football Manager 2022 will release officially on the 9th November 2021 but we expect that you will be able to play via the Early Access Beta as early as the 29th October 2021.
Hey! Read Me...
Did you know if you pre-order Football Manager 2022 you'll get 30% off? There's more too! You'll also get Beta Access two weeks before the game drops. You can pre-purchase here.
Will FM22 be on the Game Pass?
Yes! This year will be the first time that Football Manager is available from launch on the Xbox Game Pass. We've scoured the internet and managed to find a Game Pass for PC trial that lasts 3 months and only costs a couple of quid here.
Will there be a new Match Engine?
The Match Engine in FM22 has been overhauled. You can read all about here.
Where is the cheapest place to buy FM22?
We didn't want to toot our own horns too much so we did some research and created a table.
Location | Price | Early Access | SEGA Approved |
FM Base | £27.74 | Yes | Yes |
Gamebillet | £29.98 | Yes | Yes |
Fanatical | £29.99 | Yes | Yes |
Gamesplanet | £31.99 | Yes | Yes |
2Game | £32.39 | Yes | Yes |
Steam | £35.99 | Yes | Yes |
Humble | £35.99 | Yes | Yes |
Will FM22 be available on PS4/PS5?
Not this year.
What new features have been announced?
Data Hub
One of the biggest improvements in Football Manager 2022 will be the addition of the Data Hub. The Data Hub will enable you to digest data that has been gathered by your team of Data Analysts, in a way that anyone can understand.
Wide Centre-Back
The main job of the Wide Centre-Back is to stop the opposing attackers from playing and to clear the ball from danger when required. However, unlike standard central defenders, the Wide Centre-Back is encouraged to stay wide in possession and support the midfield more like a fullback. You can learn more about the role here.
Revamped Deadline Day
The deadline day experience will be revamped. We wrote about it here
What are the FM22 System Requirements?
You can find the system requirements here. They are very much similar to the previous two editions so you shouldn't need to worry too much about upgrading ASAP.
We will frequently update this page as we slowly learn more and more about Football Manager 2022.