Football Manager contains literally thousands of players, trying to find all the best players can take time and be quite tedious when trying to create a shortlist. This is where importable shortlists shine, as with a few clicks you can have a complete shortlist for different selections of players within your save, all without the hard work.
Where can you find Shortlists?
You can find shortlists with a quick search on the interweb or you can click here to be taken to our resources section where you will be able to locate user uploaded shortlists. Sometimes you will be able to find specific shortlists such as most determined wonderkids or every homegrown wonderkid, all you need to do is look and find the shortlists you want for your save, download and import them.
How do you import Shortlists into your Save?
We have a quick and simple guide below that you can follow if you're feeling a little unsure or confused on how to do this. By the time you've finished you'll be importing shortlists in the blink of an eye.
Step 1 - Find a shortlist you want
Find a shortlist you feel you want added to your game, or even simply want to try for ideas, and click to download it.
Step 2- Extract the file if needed
Now that you have your shortlist downloaded, you’ll need to extract the files if they aren't already in .fmf format using programs such as WinRar or 7zip on Windows or use the Unarchiver on Mac. Once extracted, make sure you put them in an easy to find location so you can access them later on.
Step 3 – Place the file into Football Manager
Open your file explorer and locate the Sports Interactive file, select the edition of FM you want to load the shortlist into, and open it up.
Once you have the Football Manager file open, look for a folder called Shortlist. If you can't find one, don't panic, all you need to do is simply create a folder called 'Shortlist'.
Now you need to find the shortlist you extracted in step 2 and move it into the Shortlist you just located or created.
Location access address depending on your operating system:
- C:\Users\\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\shortlist
- Users/Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive
Step 4 - Load the shortlist in-game
Now to view your shortlist you will need load up your saved game and do the following:
- Navigate to the observer section and click Shortlist on the left side.
- Find the header shortlist again on the new page and select it.
- Then click on the little settings wheel and select Import Shortlist
- Choose which list you want and you're done.

Step 5 - Enjoy the shortlist
Enjoy your imported shortlists without all the hassle and hard work.